Strategy and Partnerships Advisor
Sep 2020 - Present (San Francisco. CA)
Foresight Institute advances technologies of fundamental importance to the long-term future of life and the biosphere, focusing on molecular machine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computer science. We reward excellence, restrain recklessness, and create community to promote beneficial uses of these technologies and reduce misuse and accidents potentially associated with them.
Product Advisor & Test Manager
Mar 2020 - Aug 2020 (Palo Alto. CA)
Non-profit building a privacy-first exposure notification application that sends automatic and anonymous exposure notifications using Bluetooth proximity networks. A project in collaboration with Stanford University and University of Waterloo.
Project & Operations Manager
Jun 2019 - Nov 2019 (Berkeley. CA)
Non-profit building an open-source medical record system supporting Doctors Without Borders clinicians treating ebola patients in the Democratic-Republic of the Congo.